My good students have some belief or faith, which let them study hard enough to pass the entrance exam to good universities. However bad situation they are in, they never give up their dream.
I’m not writing about the preparation to good universities. Jesus is not talking to only examinees. I’m running my own school. My American friend recommended to read Think and Grow Rich. It is written using Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount
My question is “Did everyone who read this book become rich?” The answer is no. Then why? My answer is that they didn’t make enough efforts. The principle is right, though.
サイエンスではないので、「実際に行動に移してみる」「その結果を確かめる」ことが欠かせない。英語名は「Think and grow rich」だが、本当に豊かになれるか否かはほとんど実行力で決まる。
This is not science and we need to put this belief into practice to prove it. In short, this is not theory but practice.
Numbers show examinees have to memorize more than 2000 English words and solve 2000 math problems to pass the entrance exams to good universities. When I tell this to my students, some of them say
“We will lose time to play tennis in club activity.”
This is ridiculous. What is priority?
Students who like excuses won’t understand the important view of life.
So when we teach students, we should help them to understand the power of faith to pass the entrance exam to top schools. It could be a great help.
However my experience let me know only good students want to hear my story about faith.
失敗や逆境の中には、全てそれ相応かそれ以上の、大きな利益の種子が含まれている。人間に挫折や失敗はつきものである。問題は、そこから教訓と成功の糧を引き出せるか否かである。 Every single failure has an equivalent seed of success. The important thing is to learn the lesson from the failure.
もし偉大なことができないのならば、小さなことを偉大なやり方でやりなさい。目標も計画もなしに成功はありえない。あなたが失敗する理由は、一日延ばしの習慣にある。 If you cannot a great thing, you should do it in a great way.
心の中に限界を設けない限り、人生に限界なんか存在しない。人生の歩みは自分自身の心から始まり、自分自身の心で終わるのです。We have no limit if we don’t have it in our mind.
I don’t despair. The bible tells the important things to people. A lot of useful things are in the book.
The bible is always bestseller. There are a lot of Christians. What does this mean? Many people are living in a positive thinking.
Those who are living in a negative thinking give me negative view if I tell my philosophy. So I try to talk only with positive people.
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