機械翻訳が行き詰っている。Yahoo などで翻訳にかけると奇妙な翻訳ができあがることをご存知の方も多いだろう。使いものにならない。受験の模範解答を知ろうとしてもダメなのだ。人間の講師でないと無理。
We cannot trust the translation by computers. You know that using Yahoo translation. You cannot get model answers from it. We need human teachers.
なぜなのか。 Why?
I am checking many answer sheets from correspondent course every day. Although the problems in Japanese is the same one, the answers are all different. The way one student feels reading the problem is different from the other student. The way to express it is also different.
That is why they need checking from a checker.
We have to understand the personality of the person and the situation he or she is in quickly in order to make a good translation. Bilinguals are people who are sensitive and good at analyzing.
That is why many people use school background for entrance examinations and employment examinations. If the person can use two languages, it sometimes means he or she is good at planning and has a good memory. He or she might be able to understand others and situations.
Math is not just calculation. We have to choose the best solution of all the solutions. In that case, we need logical thinking. So to be able to solve math problems usually mean the person is logical.
If you are born and brought up in Japan, it is not possible that you can naturally use English. You must study hard. Every single person must study if he or she wants to master differential calculus and integral calculous. We cannot deny the laws of heredity. Still hard work is required.
(1) 高木教育センタ-HP http://homepage2.nifty.com/takagi-kyoiku/
(2)フェイス・ブック http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002507170434
(2)フェイス・ブック http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002507170434
京都大学の受験票と成績開示。クリックで拡大されます。 ↓
高木教育センター イン ニューヨークhttps://youtu.be/sCCEGYlgp20
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