To make money, we have to go through a lot. First of all, we need a big market. Here is Mie prefecture and people are not enthusiastic about studying and suffers from depopulation. This means we cannot make our school big. Even if we can be good teachers, people are not interested in it.
So I went to the nearest big city Nagoya to work as a teacher at a big school. However so long as I’m employed, my income is small. We have to have our own business if we want to be rich. It is impossible for me to make a big school in my life. It is too short.
I have another idea. Not to make a big school but to be a famous man like a well-known actor or a singer. Then the Internet spread all over Japan. I started a correspondent course because my market could be Japan or even the world living in the country.
We had a big company which had a correspondent course. To survive, I have to use some strategy. No.1 is needed. This means 東大 or 京大. So I checked the past entrance exams to those universities. 東大‘is the one like other universities’ On the other hand 京大’ is quite different. Translation from Japanese to English and vice versa.
英検1級、 通訳ガイド、 国連英検A級
To prepare for the entrance exam to the University of Kyoto, examinees must ask someone who check their answer sheets. If possible, the checker must be a person whose English must be good enough to be able to pass the test. I know the teachers who are working for big prep schools are not such people as examinees expect.
So having passed the 1st grade of STEP test and the national English test to be a tour guide, I used Z会 and took the preparation test held by 河合、駿台 10 times. Then I took the entrance exam to the University of Kyoto 7 times to check how to get a good score in it.
と確信して、Youtube に動画を投稿し、ブログを始めて通信生を募集し始めた。すると、予定通りに北海道から九州まで応募があった。京大医、阪大医、名大医などに合格者が出て弾みがついた。
Now I am confident that my correspondent course is much better than the one big companies give to examinees. My students are from Hokkaido, Honshu and Kyushu. Some people know mine is good.
四日市合格者数 H27 H26
1、陵成中学校(桑名市) 16 23
2、光陵中学校(桑名市) 24 9
1、陵成中学校(桑名市) 16 23
2、光陵中学校(桑名市) 24 9
3、藤原中学校(いなべ市) 6 6
4、東員第一中(員弁郡) 3 4
5、員弁中学校(いなべ市) 1 4
高木教育センター 2 3
高木教育センター 2 3
6、 大安中学校 (いなべ市) 4 2
7、東員第二中 (員弁郡) 1 1
北勢中学校(いなべ市) 1 1
北勢中学校(いなべ市) 1 1
(1) 高木教育センタ-HP http://homepage2.nifty.com/takagi-kyoiku/
(2)フェイス・ブック http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002507170434
(2)フェイス・ブック http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002507170434
京都大学の受験票と成績開示。クリックで拡大されます。 ↓
高木教育センター イン ニューヨークhttps://youtu.be/sCCEGYlgp20
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